Important to know about your stay at Zazil Retreat

Location of the hotel and transportation

Zazil Retreat is located on a hill. Distance from San Agustinillo’s main street is about 300 meters.

Walking to Zazil Retreat

For people in good shape, climbing the hill is no problem. However, the access road is quite steep in parts. Therefore we recommend people with walking problems to take a cab. We are happy to recommend a cab service of our confidence.

Taxies in Mazunte and San Agustinillo

The cab service in Mazunte / San Agustinillo is somewhat limited. You can’t expect to be able to take a cab on the street at any time. This is especially important if you want to return to the hotel late at night, and is especially applicable during the mid and low season.

We therefore recommend that you make an early appointment with a cab to pick you up at a place and time of your choice. If you are already being taken from the hotel to San Agustinillo or Mazunte, it is advisable to arrange the return trip with the cab driver directly.

Where to get cash

San Agustinillo is a small and beautiful little place. It’s not like Cancun or any other highly frequented vacation site. In San Agustinillo itself, there are no cash machines. You can find the nearest ATM’s in Mazunte or Zipolite, five car minutes away.

As these ATM’s are used very often, especially in the high season, it happens regularly that they run out of cash. We therefore recommend that you take precautions and arrive with sufficient cash. Remember that your hotel room must be paid in cash on arrival.